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TPP Recruitment



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    Jumi Sekoni img 5

    I found working with TPP Recruitment absolutely fantastic. Gayleen at TPP Recruitment has been nothing short of amazing. With a warm and friendly demeanor, she is efficient and professional at the same time. From the start, she spent time getting to know me and my career interests, preferences, and plans. Gayleen worked above and beyond to identify roles that suited me, supported me through my applications, secured interviews, and guided any job offers I received. During my first week with her, she had already placed me with a top-tier company. TPP recruitment is my sincere recommendation for anyone looking for a new job, regardless of whether it is inside their current field or sector.

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    Jackie img 5

    TPP are a dynamic agency I hold in high regard and most certainly recommend. My experience with registering with them has been nothing but exceptional! Overall, the team are amazing from the get go! I was fortunate to be paired with Siobhan, who is truly exemplary; A professional and personable Recruitment Consultant who has an innate ability to understand her clients ambitions and motivations. I admired her ability to go the extra mile; to the extent of encouraging me to go out my comfort zone with opportunities which led to securing a position which proved worthwhile!

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    Sharon Mena img 5

    So thankful and grateful to Donovan Whittaker, Senior Business Manager at TPP! I had seen the role, however, didn't believe that I had any chance of securing it, so let it slide. Donovan clarified what the employer actually looking for and how my skillset might meet their requirements. It was Donovan's support, encouragement and belief in me, that helped me to take the leap, put forward an application and obtain my dream job. Donovan was there every step of the way, providing a listening ear, a free 'counselling' service, encouragement and motivational praise when required. He kept me informed of the recruitment process status throughout and genuinely seem pleased for me when the offer came through. Working with Donovan was a partnership, truly felt I had my own personal Consultant working on my behalf. I would recommend Donovan and TPP to all job hunters.

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    Shanara Begum img 5

    Rachel from TPP was my consultant. Rachel contacted me regarding a position I had applied for via Indeed. We had a chat about my expectations and she put me forward for the role. I have worked with recruitment agencies many times, but this has been my best experience by far. Rachel went above and beyond in assisting me with securing my dream job! She dedicated one hour of her time to me the day prior to my interview, to help me prepare. I am grateful to TPP and Rachel and would definitely recommend them.

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    Sabrina Deias img 5

    Signing up with TPP was one the best decisions (if not the best) I made during my job search. Liam at TPP Recruitment has been incredibly helpful and professional. With a caring and friendly approach, he was always extremely supportive. I first contacted TPP when I was going through a very hard time from a professional point of view; on our first phone call, he spent time understanding my situation and getting to know my career expectations, preferences, and goals. After a couple of weeks in my job search, Liam brought to my attention a role that was essentially everything I was looking for in one of the best universities in London. On the morning of my interview he left me an encouraging voice mail that really helped with my pre-interview nerves. I got the job, started this week, and couldn't be happier with my choice! His support made such a big difference and the results have been nothing short of life changing. If you are struggling with your job search, or simply want some extra support, I would sincerely recommend TPP recruitment.